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DPG Summerworkshop 2012

The summer workshop of the "Working Group Philosophy of Physics" (AGPhil) of the German Physical Society (DPG) will take place on 23 August at TU Munich. The topic of the workshop is "Causality and Physics". Speakers include: Matthias Egg (Lausanne), Mathias Frisch (Munich/Maryland), Meinard Kuhlmann (Jena), Dennis Lehmkuhl (Wuppertal), Paul Näger (Bremen), Wolfgang Pietsch (Munich), Alexander Reutlinger (Cologne), Gerhard Schurz (Düsseldorf), Adrian Wüthrich (Bern).

Here you find the programme and directions.

If you are interested in participating, please write to kuhlmann_at_uni-bremen.de, dennis.lehmkuhl_at_uni-wuppertal.de or pietsch_at_cvl-a.tum.de